The Arden Way Corridor from Howe Avenue to Watt Avenue is approximately 1.7 miles long and is a well-traveled corridor, with commercial shopping centers and residential developments. In October of 2017, this particular corridor was assessed by Smart Growth America (SGA) and identified strategies for success, which includes transforming Arden Way into a more accessible corridor and investing in surrounding neighborhoods. The proposed project is the recipient of the Community Design Funding Program which provides funding to local governments to build placemaking projects in their communities. The projects must implement any of the SACOG Blueprint Principles: (1) housing options (2) transportation options; (3) infill development; (4) mixed land uses; (5) compact development; (6) preservation of natural resources, and (7) quality design.
Project Description:
The Arden Way Complete Streets Plan and Phase 1 Improvements Project contains 2 components:
- A community driven process along the corridor as part of the development of an Arden Way Complete Streets Master Plan.
- A phase 1 capital improvement project focused on a 0.5 mile section of Arden Way from Morse Avenue to Watt Avenue.
The Arden Way Phase 1 Improvements Project will include design, environmental review, right-of-way acquisition, and construction of complete streets improvements between Morse Avenue to Watt Avenue. The first phase of this project is expected to construct approximately 0.5 miles of class IV bicycle lanes, separated sidewalks, landscaped buffers, and medians along Arden Way, as well as improve signalized crossings with new curb ramps, expanded bus turnouts and enlarged loading areas, detection for bicycles, audible and countdown pedestrian signals, and improved crosswalks. Later phases will extend these improvements to Howe Avenue. Construction is scheduled to begin late Spring 2025.
The Arden Way Complete Streets Master Plan will study a 1.3-mile stretch of Arden Way, from Howe Avenue to Morse Avenue, with a documented community driven process as part of the development. The primary objectives of the project are to better support the existing and future need of residents, businesses, and property owners by:
- Transforming the existing and blighted Arden Way from a drive-only commercial strip to a walkable suburban community with mixed use town centers that can be afforded by the full range of the market;
- Utilizing “Complete Streets” concepts to transform Arden Way into a walkable, multimodal boulevard that provides a safer, pedestrian, bicycle, and transit friendly environment;
- Promoting mixed and compact urban development and private investment in the Arden Way Community by improving the public-private interface to mitigate negative impacts of the existing auto-oriented environment;
- Improving the aesthetics and urban design quality of Arden Way’s public realm; and
- Improving connectivity to transit, places of worship, community centers, schools, employment, and shopping, across the corridor for pedestrians and bicyclists, and to and from established neighborhoods on either side of Arden Way.
Project Benefits:
- Transform Arden Way from an automobile-oriented commercial corridor to a walkable, mixed-use, economically and environmentally sustainable community
- Revitalize the Corridor
- Spur Economic Redevelopment
- Catalyst for Land Use Changes
Project Updates:
Sign up to receive updates and newsletters on the Arden Way Complete Streets project.
Project Location:
Proposed cross section for Arden Way - Phase 1
Trapezoid Delineator

Funding Source(s):
SACOG Community Design Program - Federal RSTP (Regional Surface. Transportation Program), County Measure A Sales Tax, County Road Fund, SHRA – CDBG (Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency - Community Development Block Grant)
Additional Efforts in the Arden Way Corridor:
- Arden Way Complete Streets Master Plan
This website will be updated with the community outreach plan and opportunities for public input.
Contact Information:
Spencer Ord, Senior Civil Engineer
(916) 876-6601