Development Fees


The County relies on a wide range of funding sources to finance transportation improvement projects and programs.  These sources include federal, state and local funding programs that allocate funds through direct subventions, formula allocations, competitive grants and earmarks.  Development related funding sources are described below.

Sacramento County Transportation Development Fee Program (SCTDF):  The purpose of the SCTDF is to fund the construction of roadway and transit improvements needed to accommodate traffic and transit ridership generated by new land development allowed by the present County General Plan and land use zoning. Assessing a Development Fee is also a condition of receiving Measure “A” Transportation Sales Tax allocations. The SCTDF was first adopted August 31, 1988, establishing County Code Chapter 16.87. The SCTDF was subsequently updated on December 16, 2008, and most recently on December 17, 2019. 

The SCTDF funds improvements to major roadway, transit, bicycle and pedestrian facilities needed to accommodate travel demand generated by new development through approximately 2050.  It includes six fee districts (See "Districts Map" link to the right) encompassing the entire unincorporated area, each District with its own fee schedule.  The SCTDF fee rates are adjusted annually on or about March 31st, based on Caltrans construction cost ​indices.  Allocation of SCTDF and Transit funds to specific projects is based on project need and the availability of revenues within the program.  Fee revenue availability​ is dependent upon the level of development activity.

2019 SCTDF/TIF Update And Credit/Reimbursement Policy 
The Board approval of the November 2019 SCTDF Update on 12/17/19, also included approval of Credit and Reimbursement (C/R) Policy "template" for the SCTDF/TIF Program.  The C/R Policy template describes the proposed agreement requirements, eligible costs, and credit and reimbursement terms for the SCTDF/TIF Program. The Policy’s applicability is limited to credits and reimbursements for transportation facilities that are payable out of the SCTDF Capital Fund (primarily roadway segments and intersections).

Sacramento Countywide Transportation Mitigation Fee Program (SCTMFP): In 2004, Sacramento County voters approved a 30-year extension to the Measure A transportation sales tax.  In addition to the sales tax extension, voters adopted the SCTMFP which establishes a uniform development fee to be collected by all Sacramento County jurisdictions on new building permits.  The SCTMFP and Measure A sales tax extension went into effect on April 1, 2009. The fee studies and nexus analysis for the SCTMFP were developed and adopted by the Sacramento Transportation Authority (STA). The County collects the fees with the issuance of new building permits in accordance with an agreement with the STA which defines all requirements associated with the collection, administration and use of the SCTMFP.  SCTMFP fees are updated annually.

On June 13, 2024, the STA Governing Board approved a resolution adopting the 2024 SCTMFP Nexus Study, with additional land use categories, setting the updated SCTMFP Fee Rates effective January 1, 2025 with new residential fee structure to align with AB602 requirements for fees to be proportional to square footage categories, amending the local arterial program to include smart growth arterials and corridors, and revising the SCTMFP overall program allocation. The Public Notice (9/26/2024)​ provides notice to the public that the Board of Supervisors will hear this item on November 5, 2024 at a regular meeting at 10:45 am, at the Sacramento County Administration Center in the Board Chambers, 700 H Street, Suite 1450, Sacramento, California, 95814. 


Contact Information​

For addition information regarding Sacramento County development fee programs please contact:

Heather Yee, Senior Civil Engineer
Phone: 916-874-9182