The Sacramento County Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP) provides a variety of traffic management tools to address traffic concerns on neighborhood streets. The goal of the NTMP is to improve safety and the quality-of-life for residents by reducing the impacts from speeding vehicles and careless drivers on residential streets.
The NTMP includes the following key elements:
- A systematic approach to initiating citizen requests to treat neighborhood traffic issues.
- A priority system that allows staff to prioritize limited resources.
- Neighborhood involvement in developing and approving a neighborhood traffic management plan.
- A broader “Toolbox” providing more options to treat traffic related issues.
How Is The NTMP Program Funded?
NTMP projects are funded through Measure A. Measure A, is a half-cent sales tax for transportation improvements that was approved by voters in 2004. This 30-year Measure provides funds for city and county road maintenance, traffic control & safety programs, streetscapes, pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Sacramento County contributes a portion of its Measure A share to the NTMP program. For additional information on Measure A, see

How Can Your Neighborhood Become Part of the NTMP?
Residents who are interested in being considered for the NTMP, can call 311 or 875-4311 or visit to inquire about additional information specific to your street.
Interested in seeing the NTMP Process? View the NTMP
Flow Chart.
For additional information:
Call 311 or 875-4311 or contact