Sacramento County is working to create and maintain an integrated system of bikeways and walkways that are direct, safe and convenient to use for work, school, errands and recreation. The County recognizes the need to encourage and promote bicycling and walking as a viable, attractive, non-polluting form of transportation that improves physical fitness and community well-being. The 2022 Active Transportation Plan is the guiding document for achieving this goal. The County has developed its very first Active Transportation Plan! The Plan is designed to improve walking, biking, and rolling (wheeled mobility devices used by people with disabilities, strollers, scooters, skateboards, shopping carts, etc.). Thank you to those who shared their experiences, challenges, and vision of walking and biking with us.
Read the 2022 Active Transportation Plan
Sacramento County Active Transportation Plan (ADA Accessible Version)

The 2022 Active Transportation Plan for unincorporated Sacramento County is a tool for guiding County staff, public officials, residents, and developers to build a balanced transportation system that supports and encourages active modes of travel.
Active Transportation - It's good for everyone
Active transportation includes walking, biking, and rolling (mobility devices, skateboards, scooters, etc.). The primary purpose of this Plan is to promote and encourage people to choose walking, biking, and rolling through the creation of safe, comfortable, connected, and accessible walking, rolling and biking networks, encourage alternatives to single-occupancy vehicle trips and improve access to transit. Specifically, this plan seeks to:
- Create safe and comfortable places for residents, workers, and visitors to walk, bike, and roll
- Provide active transportation access to neighborhood destinations and neighboring cities and counties
- Prioritize active transportation improvements in communities that rely on walking, biking, rolling, and public transportation
- Maintain the active transportation network in a state of good repair
- Support and expand educational programs that support walking, biking, and rolling
- Implement the recommended infrastructure projects using all available funding sources
The County recognizes the importance of regional connectivity and has coordinated with neighboring jurisdictions to foster compatibility with connectivity and access across the entire County. The Plan does not provide recommendations within the County’s seven incorporated cities:
Citrus Heights, Elk Grove, Folsom, Galt, Isleton, Rancho Cordova, and Sacramento City.
Bikeway and Walkway Maintenance
The Department of Transportation maintains bikeways and walkways in unincorporated Sacramento County. This maintenance includes sweeping to keep them free of debris, ensuring that bike lane markings are visible and that traffic signal equipment is operational.
To initiate a request for maintenance: Call 311 or 875-4311 or report online at
Staying Safe
The most common cause of bicycle accidents occur when bicycle riders travel on the wrong side of the road against traffic. Bicycle riders and automobile drivers follow the same rules and have the same rights. These rules include obeying traffic signals and signs. Be sure to use the proper safety equipment such as an approved bicycle helmet, bright clothing and safety goggles. Your bicycle should be equipped with the appropriate color reflectors. It is the law in California that when riding at night you have a white headlamp, attached to the bicycle or your body that can be seen from 300 feet to the front and from the sides and illuminates the road or bikeway in front of the bicyclists. (California Vehicle Code Section 21201)
Planning a Bike Trip?
Before heading into uncharted territory for the first time consider doing the following for your safety:
Drive the route in your car first with an eye on how it would be to walk or bike.
- If not possible, check the route using Google Street view, or other online tools. Remember that conditions can change quite a bit from when the photos were taken.
- Try the new route for the first time on a Saturday or Sunday morning when traffic is light and you are not under time constraints.
- Ask other bicyclists what their favorite routes are and what to look out for.
- Try out the Sacramento Region Travel Info website and the online bicycle trip planner for suggested routes at Don’t take their word for it, check the route with steps 1 through 4.
Sacramento County Bikeway Map
The SACBAC (Sacramento County Bicycle Advisory Committee) is the citizen advisory committee established by the Board of Supervisors to oversee the implementation of the
Bicycle Master Plan and to advise on bicycle transportation related issues. Committee members, meetings and agendas can be found on the Sacramento County Bicycle Advisory Committee webpage.
Contact Information
Makinzie Clark, Senior Planner
Phone: 916-875-2923